KaiJin 700ml
“KAIJIN” means “Seaman” in Japanese. “The KAIJIN whisky” by Masahiro Shuzo embodies the spirit of honest craftsmanship, just like the “KAIJIN” who “fight” in the majestic ocean that is a hardcore cultural symbol of Okinawa.
6 in stock
“KAIJIN” means “Seaman” in Japanese. “The KAIJIN whisky” by Masahiro Shuzo embodies the spirit of honest craftsmanship, just like the “KAIJIN” who “fight” in the majestic ocean that is a hardcore cultural symbol of Okinawa. This unique whisky is made by blending grain whisky and vintage malt whisky, using the techniques that the company has cultivated for over 140 years since its founding in 1883. The light-bodied yet rich taste and the exotic aroma reminiscent of the tropics bring a harmonious and elegant finish.
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