Clynelish 14y 750ml
Clynelish whisky is closer to an Island style than other mainland malts, with a complex and fragrant nose and an agreeable, long finish that leaves a lingering fresh-fruity flavour. This 14-year-old is a less heavyweight whisky that’s deliciously drinkable and makes it an excellent aperitif.
6 in stock
Clynelish whisky is closer to an Island style than other mainland malts, with a complex and fragrant nose and an agreeable, long finish that leaves a lingering fresh-fruity flavour. This 14-year-old is a less heavyweight whisky that’s deliciously drinkable and makes it an excellent aperitif.
Serving Suggestion: Clynelish works best served in a traditional whisky glass, neat or with a little water. PRODUCT DETAILS
Yellow gold.
Firm, light to medium.
Wax comes up with water – scented candle wax. Dried flowers on a beach. Later, brown sugar.
Pleasant creamy mouthfeel; maritime generally.
Some salt, dryish yet an attractive, even slightly bitter finish.
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